1000 km | Fight Against Cancer
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Belven is a young and dynamic company that considers health and sportivity as very important life aspects. This year Belven employees try to contribute their part in some actions for the Fight Against Cancer.  This year Belven is pleased to participate with 2 teams and some of our customers are completing our clycling teams.

The Flemish League Against Cancer organizes the 1000 kilometers for Kom Op Tegen Kanker (Fight against cancer).During the Ascension weekend from 29th of May to 1st of June, a few Belven employees are taking up the challenge to cycle 1000 km. To be able to start on May 29th the participants should collect a certan starters fee.

Do you want to support our Belven team ?  Deposit your contribution directly to the account of Kom Op Tegen Kanker, account number BE14 733-1999999-83 with communicating the identification number 170-049-611. (= unique code for the Belven team). Your gift will be added to the starters fee of the Belven team and will automatically be donated to Kom Op Tegen Kanker (fight against cancer). 

In the near future you can follow our special sponsor actions and our team on the social network.  

1000 km | Fight Against Cancer